Jesus promised the disciples that they would receive power but that power had a purpose. The power they would receive from the Holy Spirit was to be a witness unto Christ. When you give your life to Christ and get born-again, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you. So now you have the power of God on the inside of you. God wants his kingdom to come and his will to be done in the earth and that is accomplished through us.

Jesus performed many miracles but he said greater works than these shall you do. So why are we not seen the greater works, because so few are willing to Go and do the work. Our families, our community, our churches, our schools, our economy, our government, our country, our world will change when the disciples rise up with the knowledge, wisdom and power of God that is in us and go make disciples. It’s time to be the salt of the earth, and be the light of the world and let your light shine!! We want God to do it and he is waiting for us to go. When we go, he goes with us, his power goes with us, his ability goes with us.