Until All Have Heard
Read: Matthew 24:3-14
Key Verse:  Matthew 24:14 – And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

In Matthew 24 the disciples wanted to know what would be the sign of Jesus’ return and the end of the world.  He spends the entire chapter responding to their question.  When we look around at the chaos in society, threats of war and rumors of wars, nuclear weapon making, chemical weapons, hatred, racism all the bad we see on the news and on social media, it really appears that the end is near.

However, Jesus says all this stuff is just the beginning of sorrows.  In Matthew 24:14, Jesus said the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world unto a witness from all nations and then shall the end come.  The end cannot come until all have heard.  Could it be that we are holding up the return of the Lord because we are not preaching, teaching and sharing the gospel with those that have not heard?  This was the disciples’ mission and it is ours today.  Jesus talked about the end times and final judgment to show his followers the urgency of spreading the good news to everyone.

The Kingdom of God, which Jesus constantly preached, ushers in a new lifestyle of living by faith.  This means that God and His Kingdom should be our only source and supply, where you don’t need any government or anything else in this world to take care of you.  You don’t even have to try to meet your own needs because the kingdom has a supply for whatever you need.  We just need to learn how to seek the Kingdom first, so the things that we need can be added to our lives.

Thought for the day:
How can I help to spread the gospel of the Kingdom to those who have not heard?