Keys of the Kingdom
Read: Matthew 16:13-20
Key Verse: Matthew 16:19 – And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven

Jesus’ ministry was continuing to grow and his popularity was spreading throughout the region.  Jesus wanted to test the pulse and find out the word on the street, so he asks the disciples who do men say that I am?  Then he asks them directly, who do you say that I am?  Peter said, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.  Jesus got excited and tells Peter, blessed are you Peter for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but my father which is in Heaven.  On this, Jesus said he would build His church.  He did not build the church on Peter but on the revelation that Peter had that He was the Christ the Son of the Living God.

Jesus gives Peter the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.  Keys give you access and they can lock and unlock things.  The Kingdom of God functions according to laws or principles that Jesus calls keys.  When you understand the keys of the Kingdom you will be able to unlock the mysteries of the Kingdom and receive all that God has available to you.  Without the keys, you cannot access what is behind the doors.  Keys represent access and authority.  If you possess a key that means you have been granted authority and access to enter that place.  We have a bunch of keys called scriptures but we must learn when and how to use them correctly.

Every time Jesus performed a miracle, or taught a parable he was not just telling a good story, he was revealing some keys.  Just like the mysteries of the Kingdom, the keys must be discovered and then used.  When you possess the keys of the Kingdom you have access to the resources of heaven and whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth, will be loosed in heaven.

Thought of the day:
What key(s) am I missing that I need access to this year?