Jesus sends out the Disciples
Read: Matthew 10:5-20
Key Verse: Matthew 10:7 – And as ye go, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Jesus preached to the multitudes in parables but he taught, trained and equipped his disciples to follow his example.  He called them, he trained them, he empowered them and then he sent them.  When he sent them out he told them to preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, the same message he preached, the same message John the Baptist preached and gave them the power to demonstrate, heal, deliver, and set the captives free.

In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), Jesus instructs us to go make disciples of all nations (all people) baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe whatsoever he commanded them.  Jesus told them to preach the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand.  The Jews were waiting for the Messiah to usher in his kingdom but they were hoping for a political and military kingdom that would free them from Roman rule but Jesus was talking about a spiritual kingdom.  The Kingdom of God is still at hand because it is in hearts of his followers today.  When Jesus returns, the full kingdom will be realized as evil will be destroyed and we will reign with Christ and live in peace for eternity.

Jesus told the disciples freely you have received, free give.  God has showered us with his blessings and we should generously give to others of our time, talents, treasure and possessions.  God the Father sent God the Son.  God the Son sent God the Holy Spirit.  God the Holy Spirit empowers us with the anointing and power to go and continue the work of Christ and bring glory and honor to the Father.

Thought of the day:
Where is God sending me to do the work of ministry and advance the Kingdom of God?